PDIP Entering Villages, Obliging Cadres To Celebrate Bung Karno Month With Strict Health Protocol

JAKARTA - PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto explained that his party continues to ensure the preparation of activities to welcome June as Bung Karno Month (BBK). This year's BBK focuses on activities in rural areas.

The present Bung Karno Month activity was part of the PDI-P way of maintaining Pancasila as the nation's ideology, of which Bung Karno was the founder.

Hasto said that PDIP will celebrate BBK from June 1 to 30. At the center, the Central National Cultural Agency (BKNP) and the PDIP Education and Training Agency (Badiklat) will move to convey Bung Karno's ideas and aspirations. Hasto said Megawati had asked for an emphasis on Bung Karno's humane and populist messages as a focus.

According to him, BBK must be celebrated by structural, executive, and legislative parties throughout Indonesia. BBK is implemented by opening the widest possible participation from sympathizers and the people.

"Another principle is that Bung Karno's Month is carried out in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic with the latest virus variants. So it is mandatory to comply with the health protocol for preventing transmission of the virus," said Hasto in front of hundreds of party officials who were present virtually from all over Indonesia, Wednesday, May 19.

This year's BBK commemoration will be focused on villages. This follows up on the results of the party congress and National Work Meeting, as well as the message of the general chairman. One of the sub-themes of this year's BBK activities is "Advanced Village, Strong, and Sovereign Indonesia".

The aim is that all party ranks make the village the ground for Pancasila and become Bung Karno's path of Trisakti.

Therefore, party officials will carry out a number of activities to ensure that village development must be based on precise and accurate data. Regional level administrators will strengthen this database.

"We will develop the tradition of leading from the village," said Hasto.

Legislative members throughout Indonesia are also required to move and celebrate BBK in the villages. The PDIP DPP has coordinated with the Chairman of the House of Representatives Puan Maharani and the Chairperson of the PDIP Faction, Utut Adianto, to ensure that each member of the council moves.

"So that during the Bung Karno Month, faction members came to the village, commemorating the birthday of Bung Karno by inviting components of the village community," said Hasto.

"If it is carried out simultaneously in accordance with the COVID protocol, for example 50 people are allowed to wear masks and keep their distance, with 70 thousand villages, then this will be a massive movement for our organization. We must move to raise," added Hasto.

In addition to raising activities, PDIP has also made BBK a moment to improve self-sufficiency in the economic sector. Namely by encouraging the spirit of "no poverty in the land of an independent Indonesia".

"By encouraging the spirit of mutual cooperation in every effort to improve the welfare of the village community," said Hasto.

PDIP will also encourage the economic operations of rural communities. Both in the form of SMEs with the scope of culinary business, village tourism, village agriculture, and the development of superior commodities.