National Disaster Management Agency Gives Warning About The Spread Of COVID-19 Through Homecomers From Sumatra

JAKARTA - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) reminded the ranks of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov) led by Anies Baswedan and surrounding areas to be aware of the potential spread of COVID-19.

In particular, from the homecomers from Sumatra on the backflow wave of Eid homecoming this year.

Head of BNPB, Doni Monardo, said that the Regional Government must understand that according to Circular Number 13, a mandate has been imposed on officers in the regions for 1x24 hour rapid tests.

"This must be done and we still have to work harder, to prevent and overcome the transmission of COVID-19 in our country", Doni said in a written statement, Wednesday, May 19.

After the elimination of the Eid homecoming period on May 17, 2021, said Doni, the government is still continuing its efforts to anticipate a backflow from the travelers.

One of them is the return flow from Sumatra Island to DKI Jakarta and its surroundings.

Doni assessed that Sumatra Island needs more attention because according to data from the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, almost all of its territory is in the red and orange zone.

"The red zone means a high risk of transmitting the coronavirus, while the orange zone is at moderate risk", explained the head of the COVID-19 Task Force.

Related to this, Doni asked the officers in the regions to be firm in enforcing the rules. "Starting from the examination to the obligation of antigen at each point of isolation", he said.