The Ministry Of Manpower Affirms The Moratorium On Permits For Foreign Workers Is Still Valid, Except For Those Working On National Strategic Projects

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) ensures that the government continues to control the use of foreign workers (TKA) in Indonesia with the moratorium on new TKA permits still valid until now.

"Based on Circular Number M/3/HK.04/II/2021 concerning Services The use of foreign workers in efforts to prevent the entry of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), so for the time being the service process for using foreign workers for new applications is still being stopped, "said the Head of the Public Relations Bureau of the Ministry of Manpower Chairul Fadhly Harahap in an official statement reported by Antara, Wednesday, May 18.

However, the temporary suspension of the use of TKA is exempted for those who work on National Strategic Projects (PSN) and strategic/national vital objects based on consideration or special written permission from the relevant ministries or institutions as long as they follow the provisions of the health protocol.

The Foreign Workers required this time in Indonesia mostly are required in the framework of foreign investment to support economic growth and expansion of employment opportunities as well as accelerating national infrastructure development.

Chairul ensures that the government continues to exercise control over the use of foreign workers in Indonesia. One form of control is the use of foreign workers who still refer to certain positions that can be held as well as other obligations that are regulated in certain conditions and are limited by a certain time.

Strengthening labor inspection is also carried out by the Ministry of Manpower to ensure that foreign workers who can work in Indonesia are only foreign workers with special skills needed and also following the valid requirements and permit process according to Law.

"The number of foreign workers will certainly not exceed Indonesian workers in a company. The government, in granting permits to use foreign workers, still pays attention to the use of local workers," he explained.