Deli Flood Complained By The Community, Mayor Bobby Meet BWS To Find Solutions

JAKARTA - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution held a meeting with the Sumatra II River Basin Center (BWS). This was done to overcome the flooding that occurred at several points in the city of Medan.

During the meeting, Mayor Bobby revealed several problems that caused flooding in the city of Medan. One of them is due to the silting and narrowing that has occurred in several rivers.

Because the river is the authority of BWS, it is hoped that this meeting can produce a quick solution to solve the flood problem in Medan City.

"I have encountered many complaints from the community regarding the problem of flooding. Therefore, I held a meeting with BWS Sumatra II to find ways and solutions to overcome the flood problems that continue to occur in Medan City. Especially on the night of the Eid Al-Fitr. The Deli river is flooded, of course, we have to move fast", Mayor Bobby was quoted as saying on Tuesday, May 18.

Then, Bobby Nasution also asked about the canal in Medan Johor District, whether it can function in anticipation of an overflow of water in the Deli River. Because based on monitoring so far, if the discharge of the Deli river is high and causes flooding on the riverbank, the condition of the water canal is normal and should be able to accommodate water from the Deli river.

According to the Mayor, this can be done by making a door in the canal either from the Deli river or the end of the Percut river. So that if the discharge of the Deli river is high, it can flow to the canal, but if the canal is full and crosses the canal gate on the Deli river it can be closed again.

"If the canal can be used to accommodate water from the Deli river, later we will see whether there is still flooding on the riverbank. If there is still flooding, then the solution to relocating people along the river will be carried out", said the Mayor.

In addition, the Mayor also explained that Medan City Government has also exercised its authority in overcoming flood problems. One of them is by budgeting for land acquisition to be used as ponds around river flows. This means that in this case, it is necessary to collaborate between Medan City Government and BWS Sumatra II so that the points that will be used as ponds are clearer so that City Government is not wrong in choosing the land to be acquired.

Meanwhile, the Head of BWS Sumatra II, Maman Noprayamin ST MT, revealed that about flood handling in Medan City, his party has programmed and is currently nearing the end of the design. It's just that according to him, on several sides in the city of Medan there are many problems, including land, narrowing of the river flow, infrastructure buildings that obstruct flow, and drainage.

"This year's BWS is in the middle and will carry out normalization and construction of river embankments or cliffs in spots including the Deli river on Yong Panah Hijau Street, Medan Marelan, Babura river, Kapten Pattimura Street, Medan Baru District. Then the Percut River, Medan Amplas dan Sei Kambing in Medan Sunggal Subdistrict, as well as the Putih river in Medan Baru Subdistrict, the river channel is widened, "he explained.

The Head of BWS also explained that in 2022 BWS will also carry out normalization and construction of embankments or cliffs. Among them are the Badera River, Belawan River, Babura River, Percut River, Deli River, Sei Kambing River. Of course, this work program that is being carried out can solve the problem of flooding in Medan City.

"In addition, we also prioritize the completion of the Lau Simeme dam which is expected to be completed in the 4th month of 2020. This means that if this is completed, 30 to 40 percent of the floods in Medan can be reduced", he said.

Furthermore, the Head of BWS also revealed that his party is ready to coordinate and collaborate with the Medan City Government in overcoming flood problems. One of them will function the canal to anticipate the high water discharge in the Deli river by making a door on the canal. In addition, determining the point of making a pond in the Bedera river.