Good News From East Kalimantan, 212 People Recovering From Corona

JAKARTA - The COVID-19 Task Force for East Kalimantan Province said that the development of pandemic cases in the local area was still dominated by an increase in cases of recovery, namely with an additional 212 cases recovered on Sunday, May 9.

The spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force for East Kalimantan Province Andi Muhammad Ishak said that on the same day positive confirmed cases also increased by 88 cases.

"Stay healthy at the end of this month of Ramadan by implementing health protocols, be aware that the spread of the virus will still occur," said Andi Muhammad Ishak in Samarinda, as reported by Antara, Sunday, May 9.

He said additional recovered cases occurred in Berau with 7 cases, West Kutai 112 cases, Kutai Kartanegara 13 cases, East Kutai 11 cases, Paser 9 cases, North Penajam Paser 3 cases, Balikpapan 27 cases, Bontang 1 case and Samarinda 29 cases.

Meanwhile, additional positive confirmed cases occurred in Berau with 3 cases, West Kutai 13 cases, Kutai Kartanegara 15 cases, East Kutai 7 cases, Paser 15 cases, North Penajam Paser 3 cases, Balikpapan 12 cases, and Samarinda 20 cases.

"The accumulation of positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 in East Kalimantan was 69,581 cases, while cases that had been declared cured were 66,617 cases," said Andi M Ishak.

Andi added that there were 2 cases of death cases with details in West Kutai 1 case and 1 case in North Penajam Paser.

"The total number of COVID-19 cases in East Kalimantan is 1,670 cases," he added.

Based on data from the COVID-19 Task Force for East Kalimantan Province as of May 9, 2021, there were 1,294 COVID-19 patients who were still undergoing treatment.

These patients were scattered in Balikpapan as many as 335 patients, Samarinda 255 patients, Kutai Kartanegara 167 patients, Kutai Barat 139 patients, and Berau 127 patients.

Furthermore, Bontang 114 patients, Paser 58 patients, East Kutai 56 patients, North Panajam Paser 26 patients, and Mahakam Ulu 17 patients.