Mulai Hari Ini Marks 48 Years Old God Bless

JAKARTA - The rock band God Bless, now fronted by Achmad Albar (vocals), Donny Fattah (bass), Ian Antono (guitar), Abadi Soesman (keyboards), and Fajar Satritama (drums), celebrated their 48th anniversary by presenting a song entitled "Mulai Hari Ini" (Starting Today, ed).

"Mulai Hari Ini" is an old work by Ian Antono and Fajar Budiman which once fills Deddy Mizwar's film Alangkah Lucunya (Negeri Ini), with the cast including Reza Rahardian and Slamet Rahardjo.

"So, if starting today God Bless turns 48 years old, we never feel old at all because the essence of music should be released from the dimensions of space and time. What we do is retrospect the works that have been produced," said God Bless in a written statement received by the editor.

This song has a classic rock and roll rhythm, a color that has been shown on the debut album through the song Sesat and Rock di Udara. What makes it different is the selection of the theme.

The lyrics describe the journey of the human child from black to white, leaving the darkness to embrace the path of God. This is an enrichment of God Bless' theme in exploring aspects of life, from social, humanism, environment, criticism, friendship, and so on.

The song "Mulai Hari Ini" is a cure for God Bless' longing which has been unable to meet fans for more than a year due to the endless pandemic situation.

"This song can also mean a big hope for us to welcome a new day which hopefully will get better and better, starting today," said God Bless.
