Today, Workers Hold May Day Action, Beware Of Covid-19 Transmission

JAKARTA - Tens of thousands of labor groups and community alliances took to the streets to commemorate International Labor Day or May Day on May 1, 2021.

The Confederation of Indonesian Workers Unions (KSPI) estimates that there will be around 50 thousand workers who will burst into locations, spread across 24 provinces.

The Labor with the People Movement (Gebrak) will also take to the streets to commemorate Labor Day in 27 provinces. They consist of trade unions, student-youth-student organizations, farmers, women, and civil society organizations.

The KSPI's demands this year are to ask the Constitutional Court (MK) to revoke Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation Law, especially for the Labor cluster. Then, ask for the reintroduction of district/city Sectoral Minimum Wages (UMSK) in 2021.

Meanwhile, Gebrak will voice the failure of the government to protect the working class and its people throughout the past year the COVID-19 pandemic has occurred in Indonesia through 11 policies and regulations issued.

A spokesperson for the Task Force for Handling COVID-19 Wiku Adisasmito asked them to consider the consequences of contracting COVID-19. Because currently, the COVID-19 pandemic is not over.

"I ask anyone who wants to carry out International Labor Day activities to really consider the various consequences that occur, such as the potential transmission of COVID-19 that could occur," Wiku said on Thursday, April 29.

Wiku said the COVID-19 Task Force in the regions would anticipate crowds during the May Day demonstration. In particular, in big cities that are often the location of the action.

In addition, efforts to anticipate crowds on the ground during the World Labor Day event will also involve police personnel.

"Of course they are the authorities and have the authority to grant permits to carry out major events, one of which is demonstrations during the pandemic," he said.

The workers' action today was also escorted by thousands of joint personnel from the National Army-Police (TNI-Polri) and the DKI Provincial Government. "If necessary, we will escort 6,394 personnel who will deploy a joint TNI, Polri, and Regional Government," said Head of Public Relations of Metro Jaya Police Grand Commissioner Yusri Yunus Friday, April 30.

Based on the letter of application for an action permit received, Yusri continued, the workers will hold demonstrations at several points including the Horse Statue area and the Constitutional Court.

"There are several places for demonstrations, centered on the Horse Statue, MK (Constitutional Court), and the ILO. Starting from the morning, afternoon until evening there will be again. But I remind you to comply with health protocols," he said.

Because of this, the National Police appealed to workers to apply health protocols if they still chose to participate in the demonstration. Later, a special team will be deployed to carry out antigen test swabs to the participants in the action.

"We, Polda Metro Jaya, appeal to fellow labor unions in the jurisdiction of Polda Metro Jaya, remember that the COVID-19 pandemic is still high. Jakarta cannot be separated from rank one and two," he said.