Job Creation Law Becomes Important Capital For Bahlil Lahadalia To Boost The Economy: Investment Is The Entry Point

JAKARTA - Investment Minister Bahlil Lahadalia said he would carry out the mandate of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to create more investment in the country. This statement was made after he was appointed as Minister of Investment by the Head of State at the State Palace in Jakarta Today.

According to Bahlil, Indonesia's chances of winning the global business competition are wide open. This is because the government together with the House of Representatives (DPR) have made regulatory reforms, particularly in the fields of business and manpower.

"The reform of the regulations that was carried out yesterday through the Ciptaker Law (Job Creation), I think this is one of the tasks that we will do well", he said, Wednesday, April 28.

Bahlil added that during this second administration, President Jokowi carried out a different mapping of the focus of development. If in the first period the focus was on the physical sector, then for the second term it was directed towards improving the economic aspects and human quality.

"We know that five years ago, the President and Jusuf Kalla had built extraordinary infrastructure from Aceh to Papua. Well, for the second phase is to focus on increasing human resources and improving the economy", he explained.

In order to achieve this target, said Bahlil, strategic steps are needed to boost the wheels of the economy so that it can be firmer.

"So the investment is the entry point", he said.

For information, Bahlil Lahadalia previously served as Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) since 2019. He handled the BKPM successfully and recorded quite classy achievements.

In his presentation earlier this week, Bahlil showed off the performance of the institution he leads with the investment realization of IDR 219.7 trillion in the first quarter of 2021. This value grew 2.3 percent quarter to quarter and 4.3 percent annually or year on year.

The investment score for the first three months of this year was supported by the realization of foreign investment (PMA), which rose significantly to IDR 111.7 trillion from IDR 98 trillion last year.

Meanwhile, the achievement of investment realization throughout 2020 (January-December) was IDR 826.3 trillion or 101.1 percent of the previously set target of IDR 817.2 trillion.

Over the past year, the realization of Domestic Investment (PMDN) reached IDR 413.5 trillion, or the equivalent of 51 percent of the total. Meanwhile, the Foreign investment (PMA) amounted to IDR 412.8 trillion or 49 percent.

The acquisition in 2020 is claimed to be able to absorb up to 1.15 million more workers with a total of 153.349 investment projects.