7 Healthy Life Tips For Epilepsy Patients

YOGYAKARTA - Epilepsy does not prevent a person from living a healthy and quality life. However, epilepsy can manage their condition better. So how are healthy life tips for epilepsy sufferers?
This article is here to provide practical and comprehensive guidance on healthy living tips that epilepsy sufferers can apply, ranging from adjusting diets, stress management, to the importance of getting enough sleep.
Reporting from the Henry Ford Health page, here are some things that can be done for epilepsy sufferers:
Epilepsy affects everyday life differently for everyone, so the first step to manage your condition is to have a thorough understanding of your personal epilepsy. Ask your doctors and pharmacists questions like this:
Then, make a plan for epilepsy with your loved ones, including making sure everyone knows how to provide first aid for seizures.
Also read the article that discusses whether Epilepsy is contagious? Here Are Some Myths and Facts
Take note of your seizure patterns, your drug side effects, mood swings, and other symptoms. This data can help you and your doctor identify seizure triggers to assess and perfect treatment.
Use a standard daily or journal to record this information, or download through an application on a smartphone. With this kind of application, you can manage your epilepsy in several ways.
Starting from monitoring sleep activities to the latest smartwatch technology, there are a number of devices that issue alarms and call for help to help you if you experience seizures.
According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 50 million people worldwide live on epilepsy. For this reason, take advantage of this large community through one of the support groups in your area.
Discuss your story, share countermeasures, and get a new friend which can all help improve your mood and relieve feelings of isolation.
Daily aerobic exercise can increase mood, health, and can reduce the number of seizures you experience.
"Sports can be as simple as walking with a friend or gardening," says Dr. Water. The key is to find the most suitable sport for you.
Depending on your type of seizure, certain activities such as swimming, rock climbing, and contact sports should be avoided because they can put you in a dangerous situation if you experience seizures.
Fatigue is the trigger for seizures that are known to some people, so regular sleep is important. Make a regular sleep routine and obey it. If this doesn't match your work schedule, meet your superiors to discuss changes in working hours.
Reduce high caffeinated drinks such as coffee and soda, which can also cause sleep shortages. In addition, avoid alcohol because it can interfere with your medication and cause potentially unsafe activity.
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