David Bayu Said Regarding The VISION Requesting A Material Test Of The Copyright Law To The Constitutional Court

JAKARTA - David Bayu became one of the singers listed as the Petitioner in the judicial review of Law No. 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright (UUHC) to the Constitutional Court (MK).
As is known, the former Naif vocalist is part of the Indonesian Voice Vibration (VISION), along with cross-generational singers, ranging from Vina Panduwinata, Ruth Sahanaya, Armand Maulana, Ariel, Bunga Citra Lestari, Raisa, to Bernadya.
Meanwhile, some things that VISI wants to ensure include: the singer must get permission from the songwriter; who is obliged to pay royalties of performing rights; the amount of the royalties rate of performing rights outside the mechanism of the National Collective Management Institute (LMKN) and the rates determined by the Ministerial Regulation; as well as the issue of defaulting the payment of royalties of performing rights.
David said that what was requested in the UUHC judicial review was the unrest of VISI members, who apart from being singers, some of whom were songwriters.
"That's actually our concern too, as singers and as creators too. But if the system is out there, it's not certain, what about it," said David Bayu at Pondok Labu, South Jakarta, Wednesday, March 12.
"We just want to make certainty, ask for legal certainty. Even if it's true like this, we obey the law. But if it's still uncertain but we've been shooting and shooting here, we're also feeling restless," he continued.
The 48-year-old musician said different interpretations that emerged resulted in uncertainty which made many musicians feel confused when they wanted to appear on the music stage.
Actually, the anxiety is legal certainty. And we as singers or performers, no one doesn't want to share copyright, the rough parents don't want to pay. "Nothing. We are also creators," he said.
"I'm both a singer and a creator, I also feel that there are rights that we have to run. But what is the exact system? That's what we need," he added.
Furthermore, David also talked about the UUHC revision plan in the DPR RI proposed by Melly Goeslaw. According to him, what is being pursued is a good thing and needs the support of all parties.
He hopes that the efforts made can make all parties in the Indonesian music ecosystem able to carry out their obligations and get appropriate rights. In addition, the relationship between all parties is also good, especially singers (sampils) with songwriters.
"Language is easy for us performers or creators, the important thing is fairness, so we are both happy," he said. Creator also needs singers, singers need creation. But it's all one unit, which if that's the conflict or contradiction, then it's not fun.