Search The Office Of PT Hutama Karya, Polri Targets The Board Of Directors To Commissioners, Confiscates Various Documents
Korps Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi (Kortas Tipikor) Polri menggeledah PT Hutama Karya dalam penanganan kasus dugaan korupsi terkait pekerjaan konstruksi terintegrasi EPC proyek pengembangan dan modernisasi pabrik sugar Djatiroto milik PTPN XI period 2016.
The board of directors to commissioners became several search locations.
PT Hutama Karya is known to have an office in the HK Tower building in the East Jakarta area.
"There are many, yes, we searched several rooms. The room of directors, the room of commissioners, and so on," said Head of Sub-Directorate II of Kortas Tipidkor Polri Kombes Bhakti Eri Nurmansyah to reporters, Thursday, February 20.
The search, which aims to find evidence, lasted about seven hours, starting from 10.00 WIB to 16.48 WIB.
During the search process, investigators confiscated a number of items believed to be related to alleged criminal acts. However, it was not clearly conveyed about the type of goods and the amount.
"Many, we have obtained several documents, evidence, files, data and so on related to the case," he said.
Not only regarding the results of the search, Bhakti also conveyed the development of the alleged corruption case that occurred around nine years ago. It is said that investigators have examined dozens of witnesses.
However, it was again not conveyed in detail which parties had been questioned.
"There are quite a lot. Some parties are suspected of knowing that around 50 witnesses have been examined," said Bhakti.
As previously reported, Deputy Head of Kortas Corruption, Brigadier General Arief Adiharsa, said the project, which was planned for 2014, used a source of funds from the state budget.
"This project is a follow-up to the BUMN strategic program funded by PMN which is allocated to the 2015 APBN-P," said Arief.
The contract value of the procurement project is around Rp.871 billion. Based on the results of a temporary investigation, the alleged corruption that occurred resulted in the project not being completed and suspected of causing state losses.
"The investigation fact found that the budget for the EPCC PG Djatiroto Lumajang project was lacking and not fully available in accordance with the contract value until the contract was signed," he said.
Then, the President Director of PTPN XI with the initials DP and the Director of Planning and Business Development of PTPN XI initials AT are also said to have published the auction process.
They worked together to pass KSO Hutama-Eurrosiatic-Uttam as providers for the EPCC integrated construction work project for the development and modernization of PG Djatiroto Lumajang PTPN XI in 2016.
In addition, the Director of Planning and Business Development of PTPN XI initials AT also asked the auction committee to open an auction while HPS was still being reviewed by the PMC consultant team.
"The auction committee continues to auction even though only 1 PT WIKA prequalification meets the requirements. Meanwhile, the KSO Hutama-Eurrosiatic-Uttam company and 9 other companies did not pass. For the KSO Hutama-Eurrosiatic-Uttam company, it failed because bank support was not yet a commitment to project financing and workshop locations abroad," he said.
In fact, the contents of the contract agreement are changed and do not comply with the work plan of the terms/RKS by adding a 20 percent down payment and also adding a letter of credit or LC payment to an overseas account. The stage of payment procurement is profitable for the provider without participating in the GCG process.
The contract agreement was signed not in accordance with the date stated on the contract because the agreement contract was still being studied or discussed by both parties from 23 December 2016 to March 2017.
"The project was carried out without a feasibility study. The advance guarantee and guarantee of implementation is expired and has never been extended. The method of payment of imported goods or letter of credit is unreasonable," said Arief.
Due to the deviations that have been carried out at the previous stage, it has finally implications for causing the project to stall and PTPN XI money has been issued to contractors of almost 90 percent.
"Investigators have also sent a letter to the BPK for a request for calculating state losses and so far there has been no determination of a suspect," said Arief.