The Best Time For Intercourse For Husband And Wife Or New Spouse During Ramadan
JAKARTA - When fasting, the best time for a husband and wife or a new partner to intercourse is certainly not as free as a normal day. Because when fasting a person is obliged to withstand all desires, including sexual desire.
Therefore, it is important to take into account the time to 'get in touch' and when to take a big bath so that you can fast later.
In the month of Ramadan, the best time for new couples to have intercourse in bed is at night. After carrying out the obligatory worship and before starting worship again after saying the intention of fasting.
The procedures for intercourse with a husband and wife or a new partner in accordance with the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad and the recommendations of the scholars include being in a fresh and fragrant body, saying prayers, giving a bubbling kiss, covering the body with a cloth, and saying a prayer after activity.
What needs to be considered, sexual activity needs to be paused from mealtime until start communicating by touch. Because it will not be comfortable to do if the stomach feels full. Another thing to consider is the mandatory bath time.
Before carrying out worship during the month of Ramadan or normal days, of course, it is mandatory to take a mandatory bath after intercourse. Most likely, take the mandatory bath immediately after sex with your partner.
Don't put off taking a big bath until you are pressed for time. Of course, it will not be comfortable and limit the flexibility of your time to carry out your obligations as a couple and carry out worship in a month full of grace.
As reported by HaiBunda, Tuesday, April 20, the hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim tells of the experience of the Prophet Muhammad who was still in a junub condition on the morning of fasting.
The fast that Rasulullah SAW undertook was lacking in anything. The Hadith quote from Sheikh Hasan Sulaiman An-Nuri and Sheikh Alawi Abbas Al-Maliki contains the following:
“People who fast may postpone their junub baths until the time after dawn. But what is more important is that he hastens to take a mandatory bath before dawn or before Fajr, "
Although there is a concession to be able to take a mandatory bath after having sex with husband and wife, the main thing is that it needs to be emulated.
If time is not overlooked, you and your partner have not had time to take a mandatory bath but must immediately eat suhoor, the law is makruh to fast, but it must be preceded by washing the genitals and performing ablution first.
The important thing is that the intention of fasting is pronounced before the Fajr call to prayer has finished and hastening the obligatory bath and following the Fajr worship.