Dissominated By SBY, The Extraordinarry Congress Team: There Is No Legal Basis

JAKARTA - The Extraordinary Congress (KLB) Sibolangit responded to the open subpoena sent by the Democrat Party of Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) on Monday, April 19.

Initiator KLB, Darmizal, assessed the subpoena has no legal basis. This is because the dispute between the two parties will still continue in court. Thus, the two camps still have the same position before the law.

"The open order sent by the SBY team (Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, red) has absolutely no legal basis. The dispute between the Democrat Party on both sides is still ongoing and does not yet have an inkracht decision (with permanent legal force, ed) from the court," Darmizal said, Monday evening, April 19.

Darmizal, who serves as deputy general chairman in the leadership of the Presidential Chief of Staff, General of National Army (Ret) Moeldoko, also said that the summons was counterproductive. This is because the Democratic Party's Central Leadership Council (DPP) Legal Team has registered a lawsuit regarding the use of attributes at the Central Jakarta District Court (PN).

"In fact, a summons was sent before the lawsuit was filed," said Darmizal.

For that, according to him, the AHY team must wait for the court's inkracht ruling before prohibiting the KLB group from using party attributes.

It is known that the AHY faction Democrat Party issued a summons/warning letter against the KLB group of Sibolangit in Jakarta, Monday, April 19. This is so that the KLB team will stop using party attributes.

The public declaration, which was published in a national daily newspaper, was addressed to Moeldoko, Jhoni Allen Marbun, Marzuki Alie, Darmizal, Max Sopacua, Muhammad Rahmad, and all the KLB participants at The Hill Hotel & Resort, Sibolangit, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra.

In the summons, the Democratic Party was guided by the attitude of the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna Laoly who rejected the KLB request to change the party's management list and Article of Association/Bylaws (AD/ART) on March 31, 2021.

In addition, the summons is also guided by the Decree (SK) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No: M.HH-15.AH.11.01 of 2020 concerning Ratification of Changes in the Management Structure of the Democratic Party's Central Executive Board for the 2020-2025 Service Period, dated 27 July 2020.

Not only subpoenas, but the Democrat Party on April 13 also filed a new lawsuit for 12 KLB activists to the Central Jakarta District Court.

The lawsuit has been registered at the Central Jakarta District Court with case number 236/Pdt.G/2021/PNJkt.Pst.

Some of the contents of the lawsuit, as quoted from the Central Jakarta Case Tracking Information System (SIPP), on Monday, include, among others, that the plaintiff asked the Panel of Judges to prohibit the KLB group as defendants from using party attributes and carrying out any activities on behalf of the party.