Bekasi Residents Be Patient! New Station Revitalization Could Be Completed By The End Of 2021

JAKARTA - The Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi said that the revitalization of Bekasi Station is targeted to complete the construction period by the end of 2021.

This was revealed by the Minister of Transportation due to the addition of the Manggarai-Cikarang package B double double-track (DDT) facility which can accommodate train trips outside the city with a series of commuters at the same time.

"Even though during the pandemic the government remains committed to building Jabodetabek mass infrastructure facilities for dual double rail infrastructure and four stations with funds of more than Rp. 6 trillion. This means that we pay extraordinary attention to the community," he said during a review at Bekasi Station, Sunday, April 18th.

The Minister of Transportation added that up to now, the progress of the Bekasi Station development has reached 79 percent. It was also stated that the government is also in the middle of revitalizing Manggarai, Jatinegara, and Cikarang Stations to be able to serve long-distance trains apart from Gambir Station and Pasar Senen Station.

"Through the construction of railroads and the revitalization of a number of stations, the concentration of potential passenger buildup can be broken down," he said.

According to the Minister of Transportation, the separation of long-distance and commuter rail lines can have a positive impact on the operation of electric railways (KRL), which is to provide better waiting times for arrivals between trains or headways, so that train capacity will also increase.

"If now, the headway is 10 minutes with a capacity of 200,000 people, then later it can be 400,000 people, thus enabling the people of Bekasi and its surroundings to use this Commuterline as the main mode," he added.

During the visit, the Minister of Transportation also distributed masks to train passengers. Also attending this activity was the Director-General of Railways Zulfikri, Head of the Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency Polana B. Pramesti, President Director of PT. Kereta Api Indonesia Didiek Hartantyo, and ranks within the Ministry of Transportation.