PGN's ESG Score Soars To 20.2, Strong Commitment Towards Net Zero Emission
JAKARTA - PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN), Subholding Gas Pertamina, managed to increase the score of ESG Risk Rating to 20.2 in 2024, including in the category Medium Risk by Morningstar Sustainalytics. This achievement increased significantly from the score of 24.7 in 2023, showing PGN's commitment to sustainability.
The increase in the score of the ESG Risk Rating proves that sustainability is our strategic priority. We are optimistic that we can continue to provide added value for stakeholders while supporting a greener future," said Fajriyah Usman, PGN's Corporate Secretary, Friday, January 17.
During 2024, PGN succeeded in reducing carbon emissions to 29,722.54 tons of CO2eq and recorded energy efficiency of 5 percent compared to the previous year. In addition, PGN's health and work safety (K3) system, certified ISO 14001 and ISO 45001, recorded safe working hours of more than 12 million hours.
In the social aspect, PGN runs the Kaya Village and Tourism Village programs that empower local communities through increasing income and managing waste into environmentally friendly products.
In governance, PGN applies the policy of 4 Nos: No Bribery, No Kickback, No Gift, and No Luxurious Hospitality, to maintain business integrity according to international standards.
"We are committed to continuing to improve sustainability performance," concluded Fajriyah.
This achievement puts PGN in a competitive position among energy companies engaged in the natural gas industry in Asia, contributing to the Net Zero Emission 2060 target.