Zulhas Gives A Free Nutrition Food Budget Signal That It Can Be Added To IDR 140 Trillion

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Food Affairs (Menko Pangan) Zulkifli Hasan gave a signal that the budget for the Free Nutrition Food program could be increased to Rp140 trillion. With this addition, more and more will be able to receive benefits.

Zulhas, as Zulkifli Hasan is familiarly called, explained that this additional budget could occur if state revenues also increase and budget savings can be carried out efficiently.

If the state income increases, if the budget savings is here and there, it can be obtained. So don't make sure first. If the President manages to add another Rp140 trillion in August, then later the benefits will be more than 80 million," he said in a virtual discussion in Jakarta, quoted Thursday, January 16.

Currently, continued Zulhas, the budget for the Free Nutrition Food program is still at IDR 71 trillion with more than 17 million beneficiaries.

"Eating nutritious is only Rp71 trillion in budget. Until April, if I'm not mistaken, which will benefit approximately 2 million. Now until December from the Rp71 trillion, it will benefit approximately 17 million more until December. So it's not until June. Later June, July, the President will evaluate," he said.

Previously, Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Thomas Djiwandono said the government would cut the infrastructure budget for the Free Nutrition Food program. However, he did not explain how much the budget was cut.

Thomas emphasized that despite budget cuts, infrastructure development remains the main program of the Prabowo-Gibran government.

The infrastructure is reduced in terms of budget. That doesn't mean the infrastructure is seconded. It's just how, not how, only the strategy is to go to the private sector (private sector)," said Thomas.