KKP Explains About Fish Milk Not Entering The Free Nutritious Food Menu
JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Food Affairs (Menko Pangan) Zulkifli Hasan said there were no imported food products for the Free Nutrition Food (MBG) program.
However, he said, specifically for the fulfillment of milk, it came from imports.
"Yes, everyone is trying from within the country," he said at a press conference at the Coordinating Ministry for Food, Jakarta, Monday, January 6.
So, has the government not included fish milk in the MBG menu yet?
The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) also opened its voice.
The Director General of Strengthening the Competitiveness of Marine and Fishery Products (PDSPKP) KKP Budi Sulistyo emphasized that his party had encouraged the fish processing unit (UPI) to support the program made by President Prabowo Subianto.
"We need to emphasize that the KKP encourages fish processing units (UPI) that have met quality insurance requirements, have processing feasibility certificates. Including, fish milk to fully support the Free Nutrition Food Program (MBG) in partnership with the National Nutrition Agency (BGN)," Budi told VOI, Thursday, January 9.
According to Budi, this is a real action from the KKP which is also part of the government to support the mainstay program of the Head of State.
However, Budi did not deny that the National Nutrition Agency (BGN) had certain considerations regarding the selection of materials to the menu used for the program.
"We believe that BGN as the leading sector certainly has considerations regarding the selection of materials, menus to those presented for recipients," said Budi.
On the other hand, Budi appreciated the MBG program which had been simultaneously carried out in 26 provinces of Indonesia on Monday, January 6, 2025.
"We would like to express our appreciation and at the same time congratulate that the MBG program has been successfully held in 26 provinces on the first day," he concluded.
Previously, the Head of the Presidential Communication Office Hasan Nasbi said that giving milk in the Free Nutrition Food (MBG) menu is not required every day because the supply of milk is not evenly distributed in each region.
"At least once a week, milk is not a mandatory menu. Because milk supply, right, is not evenly distributed in each region," Hasan Nasbi said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, January 6.
Hasan explained that the provision of milk was carried out by looking at the conditions of each Nutrition Fulfillment Service Unit (SPPG).
Milk can be given in the MBG menu at least once a week, if the SPPG is not in the cow's milk-producing area.
However, if the SPPG is located in a cow's milk-producing area or near a cow's farm, it can be done twice to three times a week.