Anxiety Detection Tool, New Steps To Support Mental Health

JAKARTA - Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology (Mendiktisaintek), Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro, provides full support for the development of an anxiety detection device designed by the Sumatra Institute of Technology (Itera).

"I see this prototype has great potential to be further developed and transformed into a value-added product that is able to answer the needs of the community, encourage economic growth, as well as replace imported products," said Satryo as quoted by ANTARA.

Satryo emphasized that research and innovation from universities should be oriented towards solving problems in the community. He also emphasized the importance of research that not only stopped at the prototype stage, but must be implemented as a product that provides real benefits and contributes to economic development.

According to him, the efforts made by Itera are strategic steps in supporting the growth of the creative economy in Indonesia.

This is a great opportunity for our creative economy. By reducing dependence on imported raw materials, we can create our own products that are highly competitive. In fact, in the future, we must be able to become exporters of these raw materials," he added.

The Chancellor of Itera, I Nyoman Pugeg Aryantha, explained that the anxiety detection tool being developed utilizes large data-based technology (big data). This tool is designed to detect anxiety disorders in individuals and is expected to be used as an early detection tool.

"This innovation allows Itera to support the prevention, handling, and assistance of students who experience anxiety disorders, in collaboration with psychologists. This tool uses three main parameters in detecting anxiety," explained Nyoman.

He explained that the device measures several aspects, such as skin conductance (water quality on the skin), heart rate, and body temperature. This parameter utilizes chemical analysis of the body's sweat, which is then processed by sensors to obtain the results of anxiety detection.

Furthermore, Nyoman mentioned that the next development will include facial expression-based parameters. This technology will monitor facial profile changes within a certain duration to increase detection accuracy.

"We have patented many innovation products, and we hope that research results like this can be implemented widely, being part of the creative economy's drive," he concluded.