Rows Of International Space Station Achievements In 2024

JAKARTA The International Space Station (ISS) has been operating for 24 years in Earth's orbit. This spacecraft has supported advances in exploration in space and thousands of scientific research.

Although it has been operating for a very long time, the laboratory, which will retire in 2030, still supports innovative research to date. The following are some of the achievements of the space station in 2024, according to a NASA report.

Long-distance Robot

Salah satu pencapaian yang sangat menarik bagi NASA adalah proses operasi yang dilakukan dalam jarak jauh. Berhitung ini dilakukan pada Februari 2024 sebagai bagian dari Demo Teknologi Surgeon Robotik menggunakan robot kecil.

This robot has successfully performed surgical simulations on the ISS using hands to hold and cut the rubber band that is simulated as a tissue. During the surgical procedure, the researchers compared the simulations with procedures on Earth.

First 3D Metal Prints In Space

In May last year, the European Space Agency (ESA) succeeded in creating a small stainless steel S-curve on the ISS. This is the first 3D metal mold the expedition crew managed to make in space.

With this success, crew members on the upcoming mission can print metal components to care for equipment. This technology is expected to eliminate the need to pack spare parts and equipment at launch.

Monitoring Earth's State From Space

In addition to working on scientific research and technology demonstrations, several crews were also tasked with monitoring Earth from the ISS. By 2024, the ISS has orbited Earth at an altitude of 250 miles and has passed more than 90 percent of Earth's population.

The astronauts assigned have taken more than 5.3 million images of Earth to monitor their landscape changes. The most images were taken by the crew of the 71 expedition, which was 630 thousand images. Captured portraits include lunar solar eclipses, auroras, the peak cycle of the Sun, to hurricanes.