Baim Wong Grateful For His Son To See His Father's Last Moment Before He Died

JAKARTA - Baim Wong expressed his gratitude that his two sons, Kenzo and Kiano were present at the last moments of his father, Johnny Wong, who died.

Baim said that one hour before his father's departure, suddenly his second child woke up from sleep.

"At 04.27 WIB in the morning, papa died. Coincidentally, at 3 am Kenzo woke up and I was carrying him," wrote Baim Wong, quoted by VOI from Instagram @baimwong, Wednesday, January 8.

At that moment, Baim also received news that his father's condition had begun to decline due to difficulty breathing.

"Pak Slamet came, said his breath was already difficult," he added.

Baim finally said goodbye to his two children so they could go to the hospital to see the condition of his father. It turned out that his two children asked to come.

"I gave permission to my children, but it turned out that they wanted to go to the hospital," said Baim Wong.

Baim did not expect that this moment would be the last moment his two children met their father before being declared dead.

"I didn't think it was his last separation," he said.