Hasto Kristiyanto Was Not Everywhere When His House Was Ransacked By The KPK, Every Day He Goes To The PDIP DPP
Chairman of the PDIP DPP Said Abdullah emphasized that PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto did not travel anywhere and remained at home, even though his residence was searched by the KPK.
Said emphasized this in response to the question of where Hasto was during a search at his private residence in Bekasi, West Java by the KPK yesterday.
Apart from Bekasi, Hasto's house in Kebagusan, South Jakarta was also searched by the KPK until midnight.
"Mr. Hasto is at his house, every day he goes to the DPP. Did Mr. Hasto indeed run away?" Said said when met at the Parliament Complex, Wednesday, January 8.
Said guarantees that Hasto will not disappear and run away from the legal case that is ensnaring him. In fact, he said, every day the PDIP secretary general is always present at the DPP office.
"Pak Hasto is there, Pak Hasto is not going anywhere, Pak Hasto goes to the party's DPP every day. I guarantee that this is a matter," said Said.
Said also responded to rumors of changing Hasto and the issue of resigning as PDIP secretary general. According to Said, Hasto's resignation and changing the seat of the secretary general were the authority of PDIP general chairman Megawati Soekarnoputri.
"Mr. Hasto, will there be a change in the seat of the secretary-general? Will Mr. Hasto resign? Those are all internal party autonomy areas," he said.
"And it must be admitted, like it or not, but our AD ART, our constitution, mandates that it is Megawati's territory," he explained.
Until now, Said said, there has been no discussion about changing Hasto as the secretary general of PDIP. Both internally for party officials and in private talks with the chairman.
"Nothing yet," he concluded.
It is known that the KPK did not only search the private house of PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto in Bekasi, West Java on Tuesday, January 7. There is another location that was visited, namely another house in Kebagusan, South Jakarta.
"Last night apart from home in Bekasi, investigators also conducted a house search in the Kebagusan area until around 24.00 WIB," said KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardhika to reporters in a written statement, Wednesday, January 8.
Tessa said the house in Kebagusan also belonged to Hasto. Investigators found evidence related to the alleged bribery of interim replacement (PAW) members of the DPR RI and the obstruction of investigations from the two locations.
"From the search, investigators confiscated the letter evidence in the form of notes and electronic evidence," he said.
The confiscated evidence will then be analyzed. The findings will also be confirmed to the witnesses who will be presented.