Follow International Standards, KKP Ensures Indonesian Fishery Ship Crews Are Certified
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) ensures that the crew of fishing vessels working on Indonesian-flagged fishing vessels have met the requirements and are certified with adequate expertise.
Director General of Capture Fisheries, Lotharia Latif, said that his party continues to be committed to ensuring that every crew member has skills and expertise that complies with international standards.
"The existence of this certification in addition to being proof of the competence and capacity of the crew of fishing vessels is also a step for the government to continue to maintain their safety and security when working on a fishing boat," Latif said in a statement in Jakarta, Sunday, January 5, which was confiscated by Antara.
Departing from this, the KKP also continues to provide convenience and relaxation in 2025 regarding the fulfillment of work requirements for the crew of fishing vessels as stated in the Circular Letter (SE) of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono Number B.2541/MEN-KP/XII/2024, dated December 30, 2024.
Latif explained, based on the SE, the KKP still provides a time limit for the crew of fishing vessels working on fishing vessels to fulfill ship crew documents in the form of certificates according to their positions on fishing vessels, fisheries sailors book, sea work agreement and a health certificate for fishery ship crews working on fisheries vessels measuring 5-30 GT.
The SE also stated that the certificate of an expert for fishing vessels (ankapin) issued by the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) until December 31, 2023 can still be used as a working requirement on a fishing boat.
Other certificates issued by the Ministry of Transportation such as basic safety training (BST), BST motor sailing ship (KLM) and certificate of competence (SKK) can also be used to apply for the issuance of fishery sailors books which are now issued by the KKP.
"As for other documents issued by the Ministry of Transportation such as the book of sailors in green or red and the validity period has not expired, they can still be used for working conditions," added Latif.
The provisions of BST, BST KLM, SKK and the shipyard published by the Ministry of Transportation, Latif continued, also apply to cadets or vocational and maritime school students with a navigation study program for fishing vessels and/or fishing vessels that carry out field work practices on fishing vessels.
Previously, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono emphasized his staff to continue to improve the protection and safety of fishing ship crews in line with the transfer of authority originally carried out by the Ministry of Transportation to the KKP in accordance with PP Number 27 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Marine and Fisheries Sector.