The Sajam Thief Who Stabbed The Driver At The Plumpang Toll Gate Was Arrested

North Jakarta Metro Police arrested a man with the initials MAS who was suspected of being the perpetrator of the theft accompanied by the use of sharp weapons at the entrance to the Plumpang Toll Road on Friday (3/1) night.

"We have found two public reports related to theft using sharp weapons in the area," said Head of the Crime and Violence Unit (Kanit Jatanras) of the North Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim), AKP Lukman, as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, January 4.

The police immediately took the initial steps at the crime scene (TKP) and the Jatanras Operational Team (Opsnal) to conduct an investigation in accordance with the results of the identification of the scattered video.

"We conducted a search of CCTV and Alhamdulillah on Saturday morning at 04.00 a.m. one perpetrator with the initials MAS was arrested in the Koja area," he said.

The role of MAS when viewed from the surveillance camera (CCTV) threatens the victim by brandishing a sickle.

MAS is a recidivist in a case of violent theft in Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta (Jakut). MAS is in carrying out its actions in groups and there are six people who mostly use sharp weapons.

They conducted a sweep targeting cars with glass open when traffic jams occurred at the toll entrance. "We will pursue other perpetrators who carry out the action," he said.

The perpetrators usually gather at the toll entrance area. When they see a crowded road, they carry out the action.

At the time of the incident there were two cars that were victims, namely minibuses and pickup cars.

The items taken by the suspect from the minibus were in the form of a bag containing personal documents. Meanwhile, the victim in the pickup car was in the form of a cell phone unit (hp).

The victim, who was driving a minibus, suffered a stab wound to the right back. The second victim suffered abrasions on the finger.

They often act around the Plumpang toll gate by approaching the vehicle with the glass open.

"In this case, the perpetrator is charged with Article 365 of the Criminal Code. The threat is 9 years in prison," he said.