6 Expired Paint Signs, Don't Use It As A Decorative Layer!

YOGYAKARTA Many of us use residual paint regardless of the expiration period. In fact, if the residual paint used as a decorative coating has passed the lifetime, it could have a bad impact on the final results of the painting, such as uneven colors of the inappropriate texture. To avoid this, you need to know the sign of expired paint.

Well, expired paint signatures can be recognized through texture, smell, deposited paint pigment, to the growth of mold or moss. For more details, see the explanation below.

Adapting the Better Home & Gardens page, the following are expired paint signs that you need to know:

Before using the remaining paint, make sure you mix the paint first. This is done to see its consistency. If after being stirred, the paint feels very thick, even similar to the texture of the cheese, it is a sign that the paint has expired or expired.

Expired paint signatures can also be recognized by the smell. If you smell an acidy smell after opening a paint can, it means that the paint you will use is up to time and is not suitable for use.

If you find materials in separate paints, such as color pigments deposited at the bottom and chemicals floating at the top, then the paint may have expired.

Usually, this problem can be solved with a professional paint complainant. However, you need to pay attention to the age of the paint again. The older the paint age, the harder it is to paint to mix.

Canned condition can also be a sign that paint has expired. Kaleng, which is already rusty or corrosioned, shows that the paint may not be stored properly.

However, this is not a definite sign. To be sure, you need to check the condition of the paint in the can. If you do not show any signs of expiration, it means that the paint condition is still good and can be moved to another container.

Cats that are already expired will sometimes form the skin on top of the paint that is still liquid. Generally, this is not a problem. However, if the layer is very thick, it is better to remove the paint.

If you leave it, the thick layer will be left in the paint that is still liquid so that it will damage the appearance of the painted surface.

The residual paint that has been stored for too long will usually be overgrown with mushrooms and moss. If you find the remaining paint full of mushrooms and lumur, throw it out immediately because it is no longer suitable for use.

That's information about expired paint marks. Get other news updates only on VOI.ID.