Former Head Of Narcotics Barelang Et Al Seller Of Evidence Of Methamphetamine Will Soon Be Tried
The Riau Islands High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati Kepri) is targeting a drug crime case involving 11 suspected former members of the Barelang Police Narcotics Unit to be tried this month.
Kasipenkum Kejati Kepri Yusnar Yusuf was confirmed in Batam, Friday, saying that currently the case file is still being completed by the prosecutor to be transferred to court.
"Immediate transfer," said Yusnar as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, January 3.
The eleven former members of the Narcotics Unit of the Barelang Police have been transferred to the Prosecutor's Office since being declared complete or P-21 on Thursday (19/12).
In total there are 12 suspects, 11 of whom are former members of the Barelang Police Narcotics Unit, including the former Head of the Narcotics Unit of the SN Police. One suspect is a civil society who is none other than a drug courier.
The twelve suspects are Satria Nanda (ex-Kasatnarkoba Polresta Barelang), Aris Chandra, Jaka Surya, Sigit Sarwoedi, Ibnu Ma'ruf, Zukifli Simanjuntak, Rahmadi, Fadillah, Aryanto, Junaedi Gunawan, Wan Rahmat.
Then, one suspect from the civilian Aziz Matua Siregar, acted as a courier.
According to Yusnar, the case file has not been submitted to the Court because the Public Prosecutor's Team is perfecting the indictment.
"It has not been transferred to court, currently the public prosecutor's team is perfecting the indictment and will soon be transferred to court case files," he said.
The delegation was made to the Batam District Court which will hear the case in question.
The suspects were charged with Article 114 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 paragraph (1) or Article 112 paragraph (2) of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Drugs.
Previously, the Head of the General Crimes Section (Kasipidum) of the Batam District Attorney Iqram Saputra said the suspects were threatened with the death penalty.
"The threat of the death penalty," said Iqram.
Eleven former members of the Narcotics Unit of the Barelang Police were involved in a criminal act of abuse of authority to set aside evidence of methamphetamine to be resold, this case emerged in September.
In addition to criminal proceedings, the suspects were also subjected to ethical sanctions for dishonorable dismissal (PTDH) by the National Police institution.