Jokowi Asks The Public To Respect The Constitutional Court's Decision To Remove The Threshold Presidential Threshold Threshold Threshold Threshold Threshold Threshold Threshold
7th President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) asked the public to respect decisions related to the presidential threshold or the minimum threshold for the percentage of proposing pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates.
"Yes, it is a final and binding decision, we all have to respect what is decided by the Constitutional Court (Mahkamah Konstitusi)," he said in Solo, Central Java, Friday, January 3.
Jokowi said that with this decision, in the future there will be many alternatives for presidential and vice presidential candidates.
"Yes, I hope that's the case," he said as quoted by ANTARA.
Jokowi hopes that in the future the decision will be followed up by the legislators, namely the DPR.
Previously, the Constitutional Court decided to abolish the provisions of the minimum threshold for the percentage of proposing pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates (presidential thresholds) in Article 222 of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections because it contradicts the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.
"Granted the petitioners' petition in its entirety," said Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) Suhartoyo when reading the verdict Number 62/PUU-XXII/2024 in the Plenary Court Session Room, Jakarta, Thursday.
In considering the decision, Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Court, Saldi Isra, said that referring to the minutes discussing Article 6A paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, proposing pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates by political parties or coalitions of political parties participating in the election are constitutional rights of political parties.