44 Scenes In The Reconstruction Of The Shooting Of SMKN 4 Semarang Students
SEMARANG - The Central Java Regional Police carried out a reconstruction of the shooting case carried out by Aipda R (38), a member of the police serving at the Semarang Polrestabes, which killed a student at SMK Negeri 4 Semarang with the initials GRO (17).
The Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Kombes Artanto, explained that the reconstruction demonstrated around 44 scenes, ranging from the victim GRO who met his friends to the GRO meeting with Aipda R.
The reconstruction of the shooting was held at six location points, namely in Jrakah where they gathered, namely the house of a friend of the victim, the boarding house of a friend of the victim named Febri in the Pusponjolo area, at the point of taking sharp weapons.
Then, the location of the fight plan or brawl, the bridge on Untung Suropati Street, and finally in front of a modern shop in the Kalipancur area which was the location of the Gamma shooting carried out by Aipda R.
At the location of the last point, namely in front of Alfamart Kalipancur, the reconstruction presented the suspect Aipda R to demonstrate the process of meeting the victim GRO and his friends with the suspect until the shooting took place.
During the reconstruction, the suspect Aipda R, who was a member of the Narcotics Unit of the Semarang Police, demonstrated against the victims and fired four shots.
The suspect targeted a motorcyclist walking in a motorcade, one of the shots hit the GRO victim's waist.
"That's right, so four shots were fired warning shots and gunfire (others targeted, ed.) on motorbikes (victims)," he said.
Since Monday morning, modern shops in Kalipancur, which are the last locations for reconstruction, have been crowded with families and friends of victims, including GRO lawyers.
The GRO family wanted to witness firsthand the reconstruction of the shooting by Aipda R who had killed the victim and injured two of their friends. The reconstruction at the last location began at 15.21 WIB.
Previously, a class XI SMKN 4 Semarang City student with the initials GRO was reported to have died from gunshot wounds to his body, while two of his colleagues were injured.
Police officer Aipda R, the shooter who killed SMKN 4 Semarang GRO student, has been named a suspect in the investigation of the case.
In addition, Aipda R has also been sentenced to dishonorable dismissal (PTDH) at the Police Code of Ethics Committee (KKEP) session.