KPEI Reveals Several Strategic Plans In 2025
JAKARTA - PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia (KPEI) revealed that there are several strategic plans in 2025 to support the development of the Indonesian capital market.
KPEI President Director Iding Pardi said that his party had compiled several main programs, including product and service development programs such as the development of the Tri-party Repurchase agreement (REPO) module for SBN, development of clearing systems and risk management systems for financial derivatives, development of e-IPO systems for Debt and Sukuk (EBUS) Securities, and development of integrated collolateral management systems for various capital market products.
"KPEI will also increase the effectiveness and efficiency of its operational processes through the development of AK level completion (omnibus) in equity transactions, integration of Triparty REPO reporting to IDX and KSEI systems, updating the clearing system and risk management, and stratification of membership of securities transaction participants," he said at the Inauguration Press Conference on the Closing of Indonesia Stock Exchange Trading (IDX), Monday, December 30.
From the aspect of strengthening supervision, Iding said that KPEI together with other SROs will develop a further system to carry out integrated surveillance.
As for information technology, Iding conveyed that organizations and human capital, KPEI will focus on improving infrastructure, devices, and information technology, as well as improving employee competence in supporting the operational reliability and expansion of the company's business.
Furthermore, in 2025, Iding said that KPEI targets the development of more diverse foreign product money market instruments after the success of the Domestic Non-Deliverable Forward (DNDF), his party plans to add Repo Interbank transaction instruments, Interstate Rate Swap (IRS), and Overnight Index Swap (OIS).
According to Iding, this is expected to increase the competitiveness of Indonesia's financial markets and strengthen the position of KPEI as the main player.
In addition, Iding said that KPEI also targets an increase in the number of clearing members where currently there are eight banks registered as members.
"We will strengthen infrastructure through data center consolidation, comprehensive data management, and cybersecurity management," he said.
Iding said that KPEI is also committed to increasing competence through improving the existing knowledge management system which is expected to support sustainable learning and strengthen their capacity in facing dynamic financial market challenges.
On the other hand, Iding said that KPEI also plans that the Qualifying Central Counterparty (QCCP) service can be recognized from various global jurisdictions so that it will strengthen the role of KPEI as an internationally recognized clearing institution, provide legal certainty, and increase the trust of market participants.
Previously, Iding said that KPEI had received recognition from the European Securities Market Authority (ESMA).
Furthermore, for the 2026-2030 period, Iding said that KPEI also plans to expand international recognition, product innovation, to strengthen digital infrastructure. One of them is by targeting recognition or recognition from foreign capital market authorities, such as Japan, the United States and other countries.
"This recognition is expected to increase global trust in KPEI clearing services, as well as open up opportunities for cross-border cooperation," he explained.