The Majority Of The TPA In Lampung Is Still Implementing Open Dumping, Minister Of Environment: 73.33 Percent Have Not Met The Standards
JAKARTA - The Minister of Environment, Hanif Faisol Nurofiq, said that 73.33 percent of the final disposal site (TPA) in Lampung Province still uses the open dumping method. This method is a way to dispose of waste openly without adequate management.
Hanif explained that each province must have clear policies in waste management and supervise districts and cities. On the other hand, district and city governments are responsible for implementing waste management with environmentally friendly principles. This was conveyed by Hanif while attending a food coordination meeting in Bandarlampung on Saturday.
According to him, the current condition of waste management in Lampung needs serious attention. The resulting daily waste reaches 4,666 tons, but only 11.02 percent can be managed properly. Most of the waste, around 59.51 percent, is still dumped carelessly in the environment. Meanwhile, another 24.99 percent was only transferred to the TPA without further management.
Based on data in 2023, of the 15 TPAs spread across districts and cities in Lampung Province, the majority still use the open dumping method. Of these, only two TPAs have implemented a controlled landfill system, which is considered better to maintain public health and environmental sustainability.
Hanif emphasized that the main function of the TPA is as a location for final processing of waste, not just a hoarding place. This is in accordance with the rules that prohibit open dumping practices.
The level of waste management in Lampung in 2023 is still low, which is only 15.51 percent. In addition, this province only has eight parent waste banks and 386 waste bank units. To improve management, the government will implement 24 steps of assistance with other regions.
Daily waste in Bandarlampung City, for example, reaches 786.46 tons. However, only 4.72 percent were managed, while the status of the TPA in the area still used the open dumping method. In Metro City, out of 105.67 tons of daily waste, the management rate only reached 19.62 percent.
In Central Lampung Regency, of the 690 tons of waste per day, only 20.87 percent are managed, while most of them are still being disposed of carelessly. Worse conditions can be seen in East Lampung Regency, where 568.72 tons of daily waste is almost completely dumped into an environment without management.
A similar situation also occurs in Tanggamus, Pesawaran, and Pringsewu Regencies, which still rely on open dumping methods. Meanwhile, Tulang Bawang and Way Kanan Regencies are better off by having a TPA with a controlled landfill status.
Hanif emphasized the importance of improving waste management in Lampung to protect the environment and public health. He hopes that the planned assistance steps can gradually improve the waste management system in this province.