Ministry of Industry Claims That There Are 23 Indonesian Startups Ready To Go Global

JAKARTA - Director General of Small and Medium Industries and Various Ministries of Industry, Gati Wibawaningsih said there are 23 startups made by Indonesians born from the Startup4Industrial program of the Ministry of Industry are ready to go global.

"The potential of Indonesian startups and tech providers is extraordinary need to be encouraged by the government, in this case, the Ministry of Industry, so that the industrial world is confident in their capabilities", Gati said during a virtual press conference in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, April 14.

Gati explained that from the implementation of the Startup4Industry program, these 23 startups were selected as co-exhibitors of Hannover Messe 2021 and ready to go global.

Three of the 23 technology-based companies that are co-exhibitors in Hannover Messe and ready to go global are PT Mygrowtek Jaya Imajin (Imajin), a startup that comes from one of the supporters of the Startup4industry program, the Tridimensional Printer Association.

"This startup invites Indonesian manufacturers to share resources and connect to form factory sharing hubs. Resources sharing and economy sharing is how manufacturing and the wheels of the economy in industry 4.0 run", said Gati.

Furthermore, PT Tata Sarana Mandiri (TSM), which is a high-tech based company that actively conducts its main research on telecommunication devices.

"We are proud of TSM's efforts to show the world that Indonesia is able to make electronic and ICT products with a value of 40 percent Domestic Component Level (TKDN) and global quality", said Gati.

In addition, PT Multi Areal Planning Indonesia (MAPID) was one of the finalists of Startup4industry in 2018, at that time MAPID just gave birth to MVP (minimum valuable product) namely digital geo-mapping with the internet of things and the Ministry of Industry seeks to provide exposure to MAPID to the national market.

In accordance with the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Industry 2020-2024, as one of the strategies to realize Making Indonesia 4.0, the Ministry of Industry seeks to grow technology-based startups through the Startup4industry program.

Startup4industry program is a Movement making Indonesia 4.0 with technology solutions from startups to encourage the implementation of technology in industry and society.

The purpose of the Startup4industry program is to form an ecosystem of industrial technology solutions 4.0 and bridge the needs of industry and society with tech providers.

While the purpose of the Startup4industry program is to accelerate startups as technology providers or problem-solvers for industry and society, implementing technology in industries, especially small and medium-sized industries (SMEs), and socialize the use of technology made in Indonesia.