Ministry of Communication and Informatics Cooperates With EU To Develop 5G Network In Indonesia

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kemenkominfo) held a meeting with EU representatives in Indonesia to discuss 5G technology. This includes the potential for bilateral cooperation on technology and communication.

"We are talking about many things related to Indonesia's bilateral relationship with the European Union, related to the ICT sector", said Kominfo Minister Johnny G. Plate, in a press statement, Wednesday, April 14.

In a meeting with the European Union Ambassador to Indonesia, Vincent Piket, the Kominfo discussed Indonesia's plans to adopt 5G technology in the future, including programs, infrastructure, and local content related to 5G.

Discussions about 5G certainly can not be separated from data management and data protection, considering there will be faster data transmission when Indonesia has adopted 5G.

Indonesia is still waiting for the enactment of the Personal Data Protection Act (UU PDP)--whose design is still discussed by the government along with the House of Representatives.

Regarding data governance in the 5G era, according to Johnny, the government ensures the interests of the nation and the country as well as the mutual benefits with partners. The regulation of personal data in Indonesia is a reference of Indonesia when creating a Bill for the Protection of Personal Data.

"We believe that the process in the House of Representatives can be fast so that the rights of the people stipulated in the Personal Data Protection Act can be realized before we enter a very open era, where the era of data transmission is so fast, both domestically and later that crosses state borders", johnny said.

Indonesia adopts a neutral technology policy on all radio frequency spectrums for mobile networks when adopting 5G. With these policies, mobile operators will have the flexibility to install 5G networks.

From 2017 to 2020, the government and mobile operators have conducted 5G network trials in the country 12 times, one of them during the Asian Games in 2018.

Johnny when giving a statement to the press briefly alluded to the opportunity of cooperation with the European Union in the field of ICT, but has not elaborated further on the plan.