NTB Kejati names 4 potential suspects in LCC asset corruption case
MATARAM - West Nusa Tenggara Chief Prosecutor Enen Saribanon revealed that there are four potential suspects in the alleged corruption case of operational cooperation in the utilisation of West Lombok Regency Government assets in the form of 8.4 hectares of land that now stands the building of the former Lombok City Center (LCC) shopping centre.
‘For potential suspects, we are still exploring, but from the development of the investigation, four people have emerged who must be responsible in this case,’ said NTB Attorney General Enen Saribanon in a press conference in Mataram, Antara, Monday, 9 December.
Regarding their identities and roles, the NTB Kajati refused to reveal them to the public, given that there has been no case title for the determination of suspects. ‘That is, later. Soon maybe colleagues will know,’ he said.
As material for the case title, Enen said that investigators are still waiting for the results of the state financial loss calculation audit (PKKN) from a public accountant.
However, from the results of the self-calculation of state financial losses, investigators have found a figure of Rp36 billion.
The value arises from the nominal disbursement of Bank Sinarmas credit that makes the asset as collateral from PT Bliss which conducts KSO with PT Patut Patuh Patju (Tripat) as the BUMD of West Lombok.
‘So, what is pledged is the land certificate at Bank Sinarmas. We have checked and now the credit status is bad. The bank said, it must be taken over and can already be auctioned,’ he said.
By knowing the condition of the credit, Enen said that his party had taken action by confiscating the asset as evidence in the investigation stage.
The basis for the prosecution to confiscate assets that are still in collateral status refers to the rule that government assets that become collateral in the bank are already an illegal act.
‘Because in the rules, local government assets that are collateralised are not allowed,’ said Enen.
The LCC asset case had previously progressed to the trial table based on the results of the NTB Attorney General's Office investigation. In that case there were two officials from PT Tripat, who were caught in the criminal case.
The two were former PT Tripat Director Lalu Azril Sopandi and former PT Tripat Finance Manager Abdurrazak.
Based on the criminal verdict, both of them were found guilty of committing corruption together, causing state losses.
In considering the verdict, the Panel of Judges of the Corruption Court at the Mataram District Court outlined the process of capital participation and replacing the building that was built in 2014.
When Azril Sopandi was still Director of PT Tripat, the regional company received capital participation from the West Lombok Regional Government in the form of strategic land on Jalan Raya Mataram-Sikur, Gerimak Village, Narmada District covering an area of 8.4 hectares.
The land then became PT Tripat's capital to build a KSO in the management of LCC, in this case a private party from PT Bliss, a subsidiary of the Lippo Group.
The 4.8 hectares of land, out of a total of 8.4 hectares, was then used as collateral by PT Bliss to PT Bank Sinarmas. From the collateral, PT Bliss in 2013 received a loan and used it as capital for the construction of LCC.
Credit repayment from capital loans with collateral assets owned by the West Lombok Regency Government is rumoured to have no time limit on PT Bank Sinarmas.
In the process of the KSO agreement between PT Tripat and PT Bliss, the involvement of former West Lombok Regent Zaini Arony, who participated in signing the agreement, emerged.