Inaugurated Since October, Raffi Ahmad Has Not Reported Wealth To The KPK
The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said Raffi Ahmad had not submitted a report on the assets of state administrators (LHKPN) after being inaugurated as the Presidential Special Envoy for the Development of the Young Generation and Art Workers. He has held the position since last October 22.
"Raffi Ahmad has not reported yet," said Budi Prasetyo's team of spokespersons to reporters quoted on Thursday, November 5.
Budi made this statement based on data compiled from the LHKPN KPK Directorate as of December 3. Although he has not reported yet, the Raffi team has opened communication with the anti-corruption commission.
"The team has had intense consultations," he said without elaborating.
The KPK previously mentioned 9 of the 15 special envoys/special health/special staff who had not carried out their obligations as state administrators. One of them is the Presidential Special Envoy for Religious Harmony and Development of Religious Facilities Miftah Maulana Habiburrahman or Gus Miftah.
This institution has reminded advisers, envoys to special staff of the president and vice president who were sworn in on Tuesday, October 22 to report their wealth. They are included in the ranks of state administrators because they have strategic functions as regulated in Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 137 of 2024.
Furthermore, the KPK said that only 58 percent or 72 of the 124 members of the Red and White Cabinet conveyed their wealth. This data includes mandatory reporting that has carried out their obligations periodically.