Malaysia Deports 132 Indonesian Workers, Most Of Them Involved In Drug Cases

NUNUKAN - A total of 132 Indonesian workers (TKI) or Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) were deported from Sabah, Malaysia. The reason for the deportation is PMI activities that are contrary to the law.

Head of The Protection and Empowerment Section of Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) in Nunukan, Arbain said that the data obtained from the Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia Tawau, Sabah mentioned the most cases of migrant workers is narcotics.

"There are 62 people caught with drugs", Arbain told Antara on Monday, April 12.

After drug cases, the most cases are criminal (34 cases), illegal or without passport entry into Malaysia as many as 27 cases, and overstay 9 cases.

Regarding migrant workers deported who are stuck in drug cases will still be quarantined for five days in Rusunawa Jalan Ujang Dewa Village, South Nunukan.

Arbain said that the 62 migrant workers are under close supervision of the police and the National Army (TNI) so as not to repeat their actions while in a shelter in Nunukan Regency.

After being quarantined, the Nunukan BP2MI will repatriate to the area of origin but first swab tests are carried out to ensure the deported migrant workers are tested negative COVID-19.