Prevent Stunting With Animal Protein, Fish Consumption Can Be The Main Choice
JAKARTA - Clinical nutrition specialist from the Central General Hospital Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar, dr. A. Yasmin Syauri, M.Sc., Sp.GK, emphasized the importance of improving family diet by increasing animal protein intake, especially from fish, as an effective step to prevent stunting.
When carbohydrate consumption dominates and protein is not met, growth disorders in children can occur. This diet, if it continues, will significantly affect child growth," Yasmin said, as quoted by Antara.
As a graduate of Hasanuddin University, Yasmin also highlighted the importance of education on balanced nutrition, including the campaign of 10 Balanced Nutrition Messages launched by the Ministry of Health. One of the main points is consuming various sources of animal protein, not only from chicken meat, but also fish.
He added that people in coastal areas have wider access to various types of fish, so this potential needs to be used to increase the variety of daily menus.
Fish are not only rich in protein, but also contain better quality fat than chickens.
Stunting is often caused by a lack of nutritional intake, and he noted that there are still many people who have not made protein the main part of their daily diet.
"Education to the public must continue to be done so that they understand the importance of a balanced diet, which contains carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in the right proportion. The shortcomings of one of these elements can lead to serious nutritional problems, including stunting," he explained.
Yasmin added that every food ingredients available in nature has a unique nutritional content. Therefore, eating in a variety and balanced manner is the best way to meet the body's nutritional needs.
"All food ingredients have different nutritional ingredients. By eating various and balanced, we can get all the benefits," said Yasmin.
He also encouraged increased campaigns through media such as advertisements, banners, or leaflets to introduce the benefits of fish as a superior animal protein source.
"Information about the nutritional content of fish must be distributed more. Apart from being rich in protein, the fat contained in fish is also better than the chicken," he said.
With consistent educational efforts, it is hoped that the public will be increasingly aware of the importance of animal protein, especially from fish, in preventing stunting and supporting optimal child growth.