The Structure of the Independent Curriulum For Junior High School, Complete with Rules and Learning Types

YOGYAKARTA – The Independent Curriculum is a curriculum that provides flexibility and focuses on essential materials to develop student competencies as students with Pancasila character. At the Secondary Education Level, the structure of the Independent Junior High School curriculum is in phase D, both for grades VII, VIII, and IX.

Structure of the Independent Junior High School Curriculum

Based on Article 5 paragraph (1) of the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Permendikbudristek) Number 12 of 2024 concerning Curriculum in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education Level, and Secondary Education Level, what is meant by curriculum structure is the organization of competencies, learning content, and learning load.

Furthermore, the regulation defines competency as a unity of attitudes, skills, and knowledge that show students' abilities as a result of the learning process.

Learning content is the arrangement of material or content delivered in the learning process, including attitudes, skills, and knowledge that are expected to be mastered by students according to learning needs.

Meanwhile, the study load is interpreted as the allocation of learning time to achieve student competencies.

Well, at the junior high school level, the Independent Curriculum structure is divided into two types of learning, including:

  • Intracurricular learning
  • Co-curricular learning

Intracurricular learning is learning that is followed by students in the classroom. Intracurricular includes competencies, learning content, and learning load. Competencies are formulated in the form of Learning Achievements (CP).

While co-curricular learning is project-based learning as an effort to realize the Pancasila student profile. The allocation of this learning time is 25 percent of the total learning hours (JP) per year.

The technical implementation of co-curricular learning prioritizes flexibility, both in terms of lesson content and time allocation. When viewed from the content side, this learning must refer to the Pancasila Profile CP that is in accordance with the student phase.

CP Profile Pancasila does not have to be the same as the CP of intracurricular learning. When viewed from the time perspective, its implementation can refer to the total JP project for all subjects with the time for completing each project not having to be the same.

Several other rules related to the structure of the Junior High School Independent Curriculum, namely:

  • Informatics is included in the compulsory subjects. Teachers teaching this subject do not have to have a linear major.
  • The Art subject is integrated with Prakayarya which includes Music, Dance, Theater, and Fine Arts.
  • Students in grades VIII and IX are required to choose at least 1 Art or Prakarta subject, while grade VII can choose at least 2 Art or Prakarya subjects.
  • Schools can develop local content according to the character and potential of their students. Its implementation can also be adjusted by referring to three methods, namely integration between local content and other subjects, integration between local content and the theme of the Pancasila ProfileStrengthening project, and developing local content as a single subject that can stand alone as part of intracurricular learning.
  • Measurement of student learning outcomes no longer refers to the KKM (Minimum Completion Criteria) in the form of quantitative values. However, it refers to the achievement of learning objectives through formative assessments.

This is information about the structure of the SMP Merdeka Curriculum. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.