Foke Gather Ulama-Habib Give Support To Pramono-Rano In The Jakarta Gubernatorial Election
JAKARTA - The candidate pair for Governor-Deputy Governor of Jakarta number 3 Pramono Anung-Rano Karno received support from religious leaders who are members of the Ulama and Habaib Forum (FUHAB).
Support for this gathering is an initiation from the former Governor of DKI Jakarta for the 2007-2012 period, Fauzi Bowo (Foke).
Various elements of community leaders in Jakarta who attended were part of the collaboration movement in order to hope that leaders in Jakarta would be well-behaved, close to the people, ulama, kyai, habaib, ustadzah, and community organizations.
Foke assessed that the cagub-cawagub PDIP support pair could carry out their mandate as Jakarta leaders as desired by religious and community leaders.
"It seems that he is looking for a mandate, istiqomah, then quite experienced, professional. Perhaps his tendency is to side with Mas Pram and Bang Doel," said Foke in Jatinegara, East Jakarta, Thursday, November 21.
As a Betawi figure, Foke wants Jakarta leaders to be able to carry out moral and cultural policies in the future. According to Foke, Pramono is a candidate for leader who can avoid personal interests.
Foke then mentioned one of the leaders who did not deserve to be imitated because he only made his position a stepping stone. However, Foke did not mention who this figure was.
"What we can't, we have leadership who only think about himself. After that he wants to be president, he passed by here. Just jump. We've had experience like that. Want it again?" said Foke.
"I think we should think more carefully about it. Unuk the welfare of the nation is okay, but this city is abandoned. Right? That's what we don't want," he added.
Meanwhile, Pramono assessed that the relationship between the government and religious leaders must be open, transparent, and a common good. According to him, the relationship between the Jakarta government and Islamic organizations must be open, both transparent.
"Don't just worry about the police," said Pramono.
Pramono also hopes that with the support of these habaibs and scholars, he can win only one round of the Jakarta regional election contestation. "Because I believe that if the scholars are like this, no one can beat them," he added.