Welcoming The Central Order, The Lampung Provincial Government Will Postpone Distribution Of Social Assistance Ahead Of The Pilkada

Acting Governor of Lampung Samsudin said the postponement of social assistance (bansos) from the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) ahead of the 2024 Pilkada in his area would soon be carried out.
"With instructions from the central government regarding the delay in the distribution of social assistance ahead of the regional head election, this is a positive thing that the local government must follow up on," said Samsudin in Bandarlampung, Monday, November 18, as quoted by Antara.
He said the delay in the distribution of social assistance was carried out in order to make the implementation of honest, transparent, and neutral regional head elections successful.
"This is part of supporting the government to run well, then by delaying social assistance during the regional head election period this is also done to anticipate things that are not desirable to maintain the calm of regional head elections," he said.
According to him, the delay in the distribution of social assistance will reduce concerns over the use of social assistance for campaign activities by certain individuals.
"We certainly accept the instruction and immediately implement it, and later when the regional head election is over. So the distribution of social assistance will be carried out again," he said.
Previously, the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) had issued a Circular to local governments governing the postponement of the distribution of social assistance from the APBD ahead of the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada.
Although the circular regarding the postponement of social assistance distribution applies nationally to various regions in Indonesia, exceptions will be applied to areas that are experiencing disasters such as in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).