8 Parks In Surabaya Will Be Opened With Strict Health Protocols

SURABAYA - Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) will open an active park spread across the City of Heroes. The plan is that eight active parks will be opened with restrictions on the number of visitors and strict health protocols starting tomorrow, Saturday, April 10.

The Head of The Office of Cleanliness and Green Open Space (DKRTH) Surabaya City, Anna Fajriatin, said the opening of eight active parks represents several areas in Surabaya, namely, North Surabaya, West, East and South.

"Opened from Saturday, there are eight parks. So this is indeed a parallel we prepared, including with our power. Including also we involve community leaders and LPMK (Village Community Empowerment Institute)", said Anna, in Surabaya, Friday, April 9.

Anna said, eight active parks that were opened, consisting of Rainbow Park, Harmony Park, Wonorejo Seed Garden, Minister For Public Works and Human Settlements (PUPR) Park, Historical Park, Achievement Park, Flora Bratang Park, and Light Park.

It does not close the possibility that other parks will follow open. "Later, we will add more. Maybe add the operational hours first. We will evaluate", she explained.

The opening of these eight active parks, said Anna, is certainly done by applying strict health protocols (prokes). Every visitor is required to wear a mask, keep their distance, and do not move. In fact, the municipality also limits the number of visitors to a maximum of 50 percent of the park's capacity.

Surabaya City Park (DOK Humas Pemkot Surabaya)

"We will take care of the health protocols. So (the path) is one way, the entrance through which door, they (visitors) have to go out through which door. This hour is also limited, this early week opened at 06.00 - 11.00 a.m.", she said.

The opening of this active park is called involving the community. One of them is, in an effort to maintain health protocols. According to him, the reason for the opening of this park is because the surrounding community mostly wants tourist attractions such as parks to be re-opened.

"We start first at the beginning (of these eight parks). Then we'll evaluate. If it's safe after two weeks, we'll extend it", Anna said.

Therefore, Anna appealed to the public to be able to help the government in maintaining health protocols. They do not want the opening of this park to have an impact on the new cluster of COVID-19.

"I would very much like to encourage also help equally keep maintaining the health protocols. Not only our government and park officials. Because the conditions are different from before (pandemic). That's why we also involve community leaders", she said.

Before the trials were conducted, at the beginning of the municipality conducted sterilization. Officers will spray disinfectants in all park facilities, such as benches, children's playgrounds, and toilets.

"Actually parallel, although the park was closed, we continued to clean. Including the chairs in the pedestrian were DKRTH friends who spray", said Anna.