Good News From East Belitung, 533 New Corona Patients Declared Cured

JAKARTA - Data of COVID-19 Case Development Information Center in East Belitung Regency, Bangka Belitung Island Province, recorded that 533 patients have been declared cured of exposure to the new coronavirus.

Based on the data on Friday, April 9 to 13:24 p.m. local time, it was recorded as many as 643 people were confirmed positively exposed to coronavirus with details of 533 people have been quarantined and isolation since it was declared cured, 103 patients are still in care and seven people have died.

There were 27 patients recovered today, from 506 people to 533.

The data also recorded as many as 1.084 people in East Belitung who were in close contact with positive patients exposed to the new coronavirus and as many as 69 people with corona suspected status.

Regional Secretary of East Belitung Regency, Ikhwan Fahrozi said, the local government continues to search for residents who have potentially been in direct contact with coronavirus positive patients.

"PCR swab tests are also continuing, as well as injecting vaccines in anticipation of the spread of coronavirus", he said.

He continues to urge citizens to adhere to COVID-19 health protocols by always using masks, washing their hands, and keeping their distance.

"Adaptation of new habits we must change healthy lifestyles by always complying with health protocols", he said.