A Year Of COVID-19 Pandemic, Finally 10 Regions In East Java Yellow Zone

SURABAYA - As many as 10 out of 38 districts/cities in East Java Province finally yellow zone or low risk against the transmission of cases of COVID-19. This zoning occurs a year since the COVID-19 pandemic entered the East Java region in March 2020.

The ten yellow zone areas are Gresik, Lamongan, Tuban, Probolinggo, Situbondo, Jember, Lumajang, Pamekasan, Sampang, and Sumenep.

"After a year of pandemic, 10 areas in East Java now have yellow zone status. While the remaining 28 areas are orange zones, that means we are out of the red zone", said COVID-19 East Java Task Force Spokesman, Makhyan Jibril, confirmed, Thursday, April 8.

While the remaining 28 areas are still orange zones, namely Kediri City, Mojokerto City, Surabaya City, Kediri Regency, Sidoarjo, Madiun, Pasuruan City, Tulungagung City, Malang City, Batu City, Nganjuk Regency.

Then Ngawi, Trenggalek, Ponorogo, Magetan, Blitar City, Blitar, Madiun City, Pacitan, Jombang, Malang, Situbondo, Pasuruan, Tulungagung, Bojonegoro, Mojokerto, Banyuwangi, and Bangkalan Regency.

Based on data on COVID-19 cases in East Java on Wednesday 7 April, cumulatively confirmed positive COVID-19 reached as many as 141.423 patients.

The details, which were treated numbered 1.924 people or 1.36 percent, then confirmation of recovery reached 129.390 people or 91.49 percent and confirmation of death as many as 10.109 people or 7.15 percent.

There are several factors that help COVID-19 cases in East Java decrease. Among others, because of effective cooperation from various parties, such as law enforcement officials, governments that conduct countermeasures and control programs, and communities that carry out health protocols.

In addition, the results of the program of implementing restrictions on micro-scale community activity restrictions (PPKM), and the existence of several program restrictions on activities and resilient villages. Then the presence of vaccination becomes one of the success factors of East Java, out of the red zone or high risk.

"This vaccination is very helpful, especially the completion of the target of health workers and some elderly, Thank God COVID-19 cases in East Java decreased drastically", Jibril said.