7 Causes Of Behavior Problems In Children That Parents Need To Know
JAKARTA - If your little one acts annoying more than once and often goes berserk, tantrums, or opposes, the first step that parents must take is to find out what is behind it. And please note, the cause of this behavior problem may not be visible.
Especially when children are young, they may not be able to tell you how they feel. In fact, I don't know what disturbs them. Smells and outbursts of anger are usually a sign that children are struggling with uncomfortable feelings.
They can be overwhelmed by frustration or anger and don't know how to express themselves more effectively, or calm down. They need help to develop skills in controlling behavior. However, if that often happens, the following reasons could be the cause of launching the Child Mind Institute, Monday, November 4.
Problems with children's behavior can be caused by children experiencing anxiety. Parents tend to think children are anxious as shy, dependent, or coward, but anxiety can also cause children to overreact. When anxious children are placed in situations triggering anxiety, they may become angry or angry in an attempt to escape the situation.
ADHD is usually diagnosed when children are having difficulty paying attention. However, for many children with these disorders as well as parents, this behavior can cause major problems. They ignore instructions. And also attack, go berserk, or oppose when asked to do things they don't want them to do.
This behavior is often the result of symptoms of ADHD. They may not take orders because they feel disturbed, or because it is very difficult for them to tolerate difficult or boring tasks. They tend to behave poorly if asked to stop doing favorite activities such as playing games.
Children with ADHD are also more impulsive than other children. They are filled with frustration or other strong feelings, and will impulsively throw things at people who feel annoying.
If a child behaves poorly repeatedly at school or while doing homework, it could be the result of learning disorders. For example, if they have difficulty with math or writing assignments, instead of asking for help, they will rip up paper or annoy other children to distract.
Children who find learning more difficult than other children can be very frustrated and lose their patience frequently. And if they are unconscious about having learning disorders, they will think of themselves stupid. And tend to hide their difficulties.
Children with experience having difficulty processing sensory information can have extreme and confusing behavior when their senses are overwhelmed. They will do things like screaming if the face is wet or raging if the situation is too bright, noisy, or crowded. They will refuse to wear clothes that they think are uncomfortable or eat food that tastes uncomfortable in the mouth.
Children with sensory problems can also be rigid to routines and become annoyed or reject changes that seem negligible to others. They also risk escaping when an environment feels too burdensome. The response to "against or run" can arise when children feel burdened with sensory input, and panic reactions can put them in real danger.
Some children have disorders of disruptive mood disorders, or DMDD. These children experience severe tantrums with chronic easily offended on the sidelines of angry outbursts. They tend to see everything negatively, and quickly explode due to trivial problems for others.
Children with autism spectra are often prone to behavioral disorders. They tend to be rigid, relying on a consistent routine for emotional comfort and any unexpected changes can make them angry. They also lack the skills of language and communication to express what they want and need.
Children with trauma or harassment often have difficulty managing emotions. As babies and toddlers, children learn from adults how to control and calm themselves by being calmed down by adults. If they have never experienced it, because they are neglected, they can act quickly when angry and have difficulty calming down. They need training in easing emotions when they feel overwhelmed.