Bekasi Organda Asks The Government And Elf Entrepreneurs To Discuss BisKita's Operational Plan

BEKASI' Land Transport Organization (Organda) Bekasi Regency, West Java, asked the local government and transportation entrepreneur Elf K-01 to discuss BisKita's operational plans to operate on the Kalijaya Cikarang-Terminal Bekasi Terminal route. They are worried that the presence of BisKita, which has a similar route, will have an impact on the existing income of Elf transportation.

"It's better to sit down together because it will have an impact. K-01 transportation entrepreneurs feel aggrieved because BisKita will also pass the transportation route," said Deputy Chairman of the Bekasi Regency Organda, Irsanadi, in Cikarang, Sunday, November 3.

BisKita, which is facilitated by the Ministry of Transportation through the Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency (BPTJ), is scheduled to operate in the Bekasi Regency area starting December 1, 2024 with trial status. The trademark used for this mode of transportation is Trans Wibawamukti, and will serve the main route in Bekasi Regency.

According to Irsanadi, the long route served by BisKita can affect the number of passengers who usually use Elf K-01 transportation. In fact, Elf businessmen have felt a decrease in the number of passengers. Therefore, Organda hopes that the government, especially the Transportation Service, will immediately intervene to discuss the impact of BisKita's presence.

"We hope that the government, especially the Department of Transportation, will immediately go to the field or invite K-01 transportation entrepreneurs to discuss. After meeting, the government can explain the purpose and benefits of the presence of BisKita," he said.

Coordination With The West Java Provincial Government

The Head of Transportation Division of the Bekasi Regency Transportation Service, Firmansyah, stated that the operation of BisKita is part of the National Strategic Program (PSN) which aims to provide easy access to transportation as well as unravel congestion in the Bekasi area. However, he also mentioned the importance of coordination regarding licensing the K-01 route that crosses city and district boundaries, which is under the authority of the province.

"Trial will begin in early December. We will coordinate and communicate with the West Java Provincial Transportation Service," he explained.

Firmansyah added that the results of coordination with the provincial government would later be followed by inviting affected transportation entrepreneurs, especially K-01, to discuss the impact of BisKita's operations.

BisKita's Operational Scheme And Trial Route

BisKita will operate with a Buy The Service scheme or a subsidy from the government, with a trial period of one month. In this trial stage, BisKita will serve one corridor with a route from the East Java LRT in East Bekasi to Cikarang Station, passing through Tambun, Cibitung, Terminal, and Cikarang Station.

BisKita's initial plan actually includes routes to North Cikarang Cinity Housing as a starting point. However, because the land for social facilities and public facilities at Cinity Housing is not yet available as a parking bag for BisKita, the temporary route will only operate from the East Java LRT to the Kalijaya Cikarang Terminal.

"The temporary route is only up to Cikarang Station and stops at Kalijaya Terminal," explained Firmansyah