Smart ways to store cut avocados to keep them green and fresh

The avocado is one that is popular and not easy to get. Therefore, the price is quite expensive. Of course it's a shame if the avocado that has been cut becomes black.

This fruit is very easy to oxidize. Thus, avocado fruit meat is easy to black after cutting. Well, you must know how to store avocado that has been cut.

Reporting from the Openfit page, the most important rule in storing avocados is to keep it green, namely by minimizing air exposure. Exposure to air can cause avocado to become brownish.

Quoted from Today, here's how to store avocados that have been cut so as not to blacken:

Wrapping pieces of avocado with plastic wrap. ideally, plastic wrap must be airproof.

Wrapping avocados with plastic wrap until it is airproof to prevent this fruit from being oxidized. Thus, it will avoid blackened avocado conditions.

Technically, first, you can wrap the avocado tightly using plastic wrap. Next, press the plastic to remove the air.

Lemon contains ascorbic acid or vitamin C. Well, lemon vitamins C can fight enzymes that cause avocados to turn brown.

Celebrating the surface of avocado meat with lemon water. Next, wrap tightly with plastic wrap.

When stored in this way, avocado is not too brown. However, the acid in lemon unravels avocado and the surface becomes a bit soft.

Apart from lemon, you can also use olive oil for avocado. The linoleic acid contained in olive oil can fight oxidation.

Olesi seluruh dasar avocado dengan minyak rabah. Selanjutnya, tutup rapat dengan plastic wrap.

Namun, dengan menggunakan metode ini, warna avocado akan lebih kecoklatan dibanding yang sebelumnya. Tekstur avocado juga menjadi oily, slippery, dan sedikit lembung.

Sulfur dioxide is a compound used to preserve fruits. Well, onions are one of the food ingredients that contains sulfur dioxide.

Therefore, onions can prevent avocado from changing color. To do this, place onions that have been cut in the same container as avocado. Then close the container tightly.

This method is believed to be the most effective way. The avocado will still look green and fresh when stored this way.

Soaking avocado with water can also actually prevent this fruit from becoming brown. So what is technical or how?

First, soaking avocado in a bowl of cold water. Next, close tightly with plastic wrap.

This method can indeed prevent oxidized avocados. However, due to inundated water, the texture risks being soft.

That's a review of how to store avocados that have been cut. Visit to get other interesting information.