Commission II Of The DPR Waits For The Assignment Letter Of The Fit And Proper Test Basuki Hadimuljono Candidate For The Head Of The IKN Authority

JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission II of the House of Representatives, Rifqinizamy Karsayuda, is waiting for a letter from the leadership of the DPR to conduct a fit and proper test on Basuki Hadimuljono as a candidate for the head of the Archipelago Capital Authority (IKN).
"We have received information that the surprise appointment of Basuki Hadimuljono as a candidate for the head of IKN has been submitted to the leadership of the DPR," said Rifqi at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, October 30.
"Commission II of the DPR RI is waiting for an official letter from the leadership of the DPR RI whether to assign it to Commission II as IKN's partner to conduct fit and proper to Pak Basuki's approval as the head of the IKN authority," he continued.
Rifqi hopes that the head of the IKN Authority can immediately be elected definitively in order to get new leadership certainty. "And we can carry out the President's vision and mission to immediately complete the IKN ecosystem and infrastructure for the next 4 years as stated by the Minister of State Secretary Prasetyo Hadi," said Rifqi.
For information, Commission II of the DPR today will hold a hearing (RDP) with the IKN Authority to discuss the progress of the construction of the new capital city. The meeting is scheduled starting at 14.00 WIB.
Rifqi continued, Commission II of the DPR fully supports the sustainability and acceleration of the development of the capital city of the archipelago as assigned by the DPR constitution through the DPR RI Plenary Session. Where one of the working partners of Commission II of the DPR is the Capital City Authority of the Archipelago.
"We will carry out the supervisory function by immediately holding a hearing with the authority of the capital city of the archipelago, and we will see how the development has been and how the blueprint of the IKN authority in the future," said the NasDem politician.
Commission II of the DPR RI, he added, also wants to make sure all IKN variables are ready. Rifqi asked President Prabowo Subianto to immediately sign the Presidential Decree on the transfer of IKN to East Kalimantan.
"We ask President Prabowo Subianto to directly monitor his readiness, and in time we ask Mr. Prabowo to immediately sign the president's decision regarding the transfer of the capital from Jakarta to IKN," said Rifqi.
As stated in the IKN Law, which states that the transfer of the capital from Jakarta to IKN is based on a presidential decision. "The law is already in progress and but we will wait for its legality holistically through a presidential decree to be signed," said Rifqi.
"Hopefully the 4-year target will be published by Pak Prabowo in less than 4 years. So that before 2029 the entire government, both the judiciary legislative executive, will have a well-prepared office in IKN," he added.