Minister Zulkifli Calls Collaboration The Key To The 2028 Food Swasembada Target Achieved

Coordinating Minister (Menko) for Food Zulkifli Hasan revealed that in realizing the food self-sufficiency program targeted to be achieved in 2028, it is necessary to collaborate across ministries and institutions.

"One team must work well together to achieve self-sufficiency in food in 2028," said Zulkifli as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, October 29.

The Coordinating Ministry for Food Affairs oversees several ministries/bodies ranging from the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the Ministry of Forestry, the National Food Agency (Bapanas), the Ministry of Environment / Environmental Control Agency, and the National Nutrition Agency.

To follow up on President Prabowo Subianto's orders regarding food self-sufficiency, his party today coordinated with ministries and institutions under the coordination of the Coordinating Ministry for Food Sector so that they could present a solution to realizing the target through the right mapping strategy.

"Indeed, we have to be one unit, one team, so that later the goal is to self-sufficiency in food in 2028," he said.

Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto asked all relevant ministries to support the Ministry of Agriculture as a leading sector in pursuing food self-sufficiency targets within three to four years.

"All ministries are asked to support everything needed by the Ministry of Agriculture as the leading sector for us to pursue food self-sufficiency for the next three to four years," said Minister of State Secretary (Mensesneg) Prasetyo Hadi.

Prasetyo said that self-sufficiency in food is a priority program that is the main concern for President Prabowo Subianto.

According to the President, Prasetyo continued, food self-sufficiency is a must, considering that Indonesia is an agricultural country that should not depend on other countries to meet food needs.

"We are an agricultural country, our land is fertile. We must not depend on other countries for food needs," said Presetyo quoting President Prabowo.