Dozens Of Sepuh Kiai Hope Central Java Leaders Can Encourage Early Education Development

JAKARTA - A number of community forums and religious leaders in religious events in Central Java (Central Java) emphasized the importance of choosing leaders who are committed to the development of early education, maintaining religious values, and supporting sustainable development in favor of the people.

The Central Java Takaliiyah Diniyah Communication Forum (FKDT), as a forum for the education gathering of madrasah diniyah hopes that Central Java leaders will be able to develop education and the welfare of the people.

FKDT has a moral responsibility to support leaders who are committed to the development of early education and the welfare of the people. We see the Luthfi-Yasin pair understand the needs of the madrasa community and the importance of strong religious education," said Sururi, an NU figure from Brebes, in a written statement quoted on Monday, October 28, 2024.

In the FKDT Coordination Meeting of the West Zone at the Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School, Pemalang, a similar declaration of support was also marked to support Luthfi-Yasin in the 2024 Central Java Pilkada. The event was in the form of an istighosah and a prayer with Kyai Abdul Rohman, and the General Chairperson of the FKDT DPP, KH Lukman Hakim.

Apart from Wonosobo and Pemalang, statements of support were also conveyed at the East Zone FKDT Coordination Meeting, at the Al Ikhlas Islamic Boarding School, West Ungaran, Semarang.

Similar support arose from about 20 senior kiai or khos kiai from various regions in Central Java, precisely in Semarang, on Friday afternoon, October 25. Several prominent figures who attended included Gus Yusuf Khudlori (Tegalrejo, Magelang), Gus Rozin (Chairman of PWNU Central Java), Kyai Badawi (Kudus), Kyai Afif (Kebumen), Gus Shohib (Pekalongan), and Kyai Muharror (Blora).

KH Mahfudz Hamid, Caretaker of the Al Anwar Maron Islamic Boarding School, Purworejo, emphasized the importance of choosing a leader who can maintain religious values and is consistent in encouraging sustainable development.

"The senior kiai here agree that this support is part of an effort to maintain leadership continuity that is in line with religious values," he said.