President Joe Biden Targets All Adults Eligible To Receive The COVID-19 Vaccine Before April 19

JAKARTA - United States President Joe Biden on Tuesday local time announced changes to the target of vaccination against COVID-19 for eligible adults.

If originally on the 1st anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, President Biden targeted May 1. Yesterday, he pushed the schedule forward two weeks early, to April 19.

"But, with a new variant of the virus spreading, we are still in a life and death race with the coronavirus", said President Joe Biden, reported by Reuters, Thursday, April 7.

This target applies to citizens of the United States who are 18 years of age or older. Meanwhile, no COVID-19 vaccine has yet been allowed for children under 16, although testing is being carried out.

Most US states have said they will open vaccines to all adults by the new target date.

"What we do now will determine how many people we will save or disappear in April and May, and June, before we reach July 4 (United States Independence Day)", said President Biden at the White House.

Meanwhile, White House Spokesman Jen Psaki said President Biden's announcement had confirmed to the public that everyone has the right (to receive the COVID-19 vaccine) across the country.

"This means Americans no longer need to check state and local websites to see if they qualify. No more confusing rules", explains Psaki.

To note, President Joe Biden is targeting injecting 100 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine in his first 100 days as president. And, by the end of April, it is expected that 200 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine will have been delivered.

To date, 167 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been given in the United States, with a ratio of four in ten people have received one dose of the vaccine.

The United States is known to use two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine from Moderna and Pfizer and the Johnson & Johnson vaccine with one dose. The Pfizer vaccine is permitted for ages 16 and over. While the other two are for ages 18 and over.