Reasons For The Importance Of Installing Dentures, Instead Of Being Left By Ompong

JAKARTA - The problem of dental health, ranging from cavities to tooth loss, is very common in Indonesia. Based on data from the Ministry of Health in 2023, the proportion of lost teeth / revoked / dated in Indonesia reached 21%. The highest spread occurred in individuals aged 65 years and over, which was 46.5%. The highest subsequent spread occurred in the age group 55-64 years by 37.2%, 45-54 years old by 26.4%, and the age of 35-44 years by 18% shows that tooth loss affects individuals in all age groups, including those at productive age. Although the figure is quite significant, the use of artificial teeth in Indonesia is only 3.1%.

The same survey also showed that 91.9% of people surveyed had never visited dentists for various reasons, including never feeling toothache, feeling unnecessary, or choosing to treat themselves. In fact, dental health issues such as loss of teeth that are left prolonged without the help of health workers can actually affect overall health, and special oral health.

The loss of teeth can happen to individuals in all age ranges with various causes. Starting from poor dental health behavior and a high diet of sugar which causes teeth to have holes and must be removed, trauma to teeth due to accidents, gum disease, smoking habits that worsen the condition of teeth, to other conditions. If this tooth loss is left for a long time, the impact will affect physical abilities and facial aesthetics," explained drg. Murti Indrastuti M.Kes., Sp. Pros (K) - Head of the Faculty of Dental Medicine Prostodonsia Faculty Gadjah Mada University (FKG UGM).

drg. Murti continued, the use of counterfeit teeth or artificial teeth is one solution in replacing the role of these lost teeth so that individuals can still speak, chew, and swallow well. False teeth are also a support for facial muscles, so they can maintain the overall face structure. In general, this treatment of counterfeit teeth is relatively easy and does not require surgery, aka non-invasive nature. However, the manufacture, or other solutions, will be recommended by the doctor after looking at the patient's health condition comprehensively.

"Hopefully, this program from the Police will increase public access to pecies, while increasing awareness of the importance of dental and oral health. With this program, it is hoped that more people can benefit from the use of the right phaels," said Dhanica Mae Dumo-Tiu, General Manager of Haleon Indonesia.