Karding's First Directive As Minister Of Migrant Worker Protection: Don't Think About Finding Food Here!

JAKARTA - Minister of Migrant Workers Protection, Abdul Kadir Karding asked all his subordinates not to use their authority to seek 'eating' behind the affairs of migrant workers.

He conveyed this when giving the first direction to all employees of the Ministry of Protection for Migrant Workers, Tuesday, October 22.

"Look, sir, this is taking care of migrant workers, taking care of the afterlife. Don't think about looking for food here, we are. It's tough, sir," said Karding.

"The problem is the sin in the world, it can also end later and our lives will not be blessed," he continued.

Before emphasizing this, Karding also mentioned President Prabowo's message regarding the potential loss of state revenue due to the rogue actions of the retailer company.

At that time, it was said, Prabowo made an analogy that there would most likely be a loss of 40 to 50 percent when building a road. The reason is because of the game.

"Pak Prabowo has said that in the Hambalang, 'I am a businessman', he said. 'I know that a road is made, it can be lost 40 to 50 percent. Lost, yawning, divided'," he said.

Therefore, under his leadership, the Ministry of Migrant Worker Protection will take firm action against companies that 'play'.

"So, we don't have tolerars for recruiting companies that don't, who wear flags or are illegal, don't tolerate them. Or those who play games about costs, we will immediately freeze them," said Karding.